Keloid removal with laser therapy is now available in Nairobi, Kenya. Keloids are raised, thick scars that form as a result of an injury or surgery. They can be unsightly and cause discomfort or itching, and many people seek treatment to remove them. One of the most effective treatments for Keloid removal is Laser Therapy.

Laser Therapy involves using a specialized laser to target the keloid issue, breaking it down and stimulating the body’s natural healing process. The laser emits a beam of light that penetrates the skin and heats up the keloid tissue, causing it to break down and be absorbed by the body.

Afyacore Aesthetic Clinic in Kenya offers advanced laser therapy for the removal of keloids. Our team of experienced doctors uses state-of-the-art laser technology to safely and effectively treat keloids of various sizes and locations.

The Procedure at Afyacore Aesthetic Clinic Typically Involves The Following Steps:

  • Consultation: Patients undergo a thorough consultation with a doctor to assess the keloid and determine if laser technology is the best treatment option.
  • Preparation: The area is cleaned and numbed with a local anesthesia to ensure the patient’s comfort during the procedure.
  • Laser Treatment: The laser is directed at the keloid tissue, breaking it down and stimulating the body’s natural healing process. The laser is carefully calibrated to target only the keloid tissue, minimizing damage to surrounding healthy tissue.
  • Post-Treatment Care: After the procedure, the patient is advised to keep the treated area clean and covered to prevent infection. -They may also be advised to avoid sun exposure and apply sunscreen to minimize scarring. You may be given oral medications based on the method of keloid treatment used.

Benefits of Keloid Removal with Laser Therapy at Afyacore Aesthetic Clinic

  • High Success Rate: Laser therapy has a high success rate in reducing the appearance of keloids.
  • Minimal Scarring: Laser therapy minimizes scarring to no scarring in some forms of keloid treatment as compared to other treatments such as surgery.
  • Non-invasive: The procedure is non-invasive and does not require general anaesthesia, minimising the risk of complications.
  • Short Recovery Time: Recovery time is generally short, and patients can resume their normal activities soon after the procedure.
  • Experienced Team: Afyacore Aesthetic Clinic has a team of experienced specialist doctors who specialize in keloid removal.

Laser Therapy for Keloid removal in Afyacore Aesthetic clinic is generally safe and effective, with a high success rate in reducing the appearance of keloids.

Of note is that to avoid recurrence of the keloid we need do follow up and preventive treatment which will be advised after first session of keloid treatment to reduce chances of recurrence.

2 Comment(s)

  • Posted August 3, 2023 7:11 am 0Likes
    by Rose Mwangi

    I have three keloids that I’d love removed. The biggest one is on my right ear, on the back shoulder right and left breast.
    How can we go about this, considering I’ll be in Nairobi from the 18th of September till the 30th.

    Kind regards

    • Posted August 3, 2023 7:38 am 0Likes
      by admin

      Hello Rose

      Kindly contact us via What’s App on +254798362752 we arrange an appointment for you

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